3 Reasons You Should Choose to Learn Watercolor Over Other Mediums

If you are looking for a fun way to express your creativity in a new way, you should take a course to learn how to watercolor. With so many art classes available to you, you may wonder: Why watercolor? There are many reasons people choose to watercolor over other specialties such as the following.

It's Easier Than Other Mediums

Watercolor paints are translucent and fun to use, and painting is relatively easy to learn. Compared to other painting mediums such as oil paint, people seem to pick it up faster. You can start painting with fewer materials initially and get started for less money upfront (as will be discussed later). Watercolor paints do not need to be varnished, and the paints don't need to be thinned, saving you time and energy- especially in the beginning stages. 

You Can't Mess It Up

Something you will hear repeatedly when starting to watercolor is that it is hard to mess up. Most watercolor paintings are very fluid and colorful, and it is okay if the paints bleed a little bit. If you are a stickler for straight lines and distinct colors, you will need to be patient while you learn. It can be really fun to learn how to mix paints and add water to get just the right consistency you are looking for. When learning, be open to letting the colors blend a bit. As you learn more you will be able to make intricate paintings that seem to almost jump off the page. Watercolors are very forgiving and can be fixed relatively easily. 

The Materials Are Cheap

To get started in a watercolor class you just need to buy some paints and a pad of thick watercolor paper. Watercolor paints come in tubes or dried cakes (which become the correct consistency with water), and the type of paint you choose will depend on your personal preference. There are several online style guides that can help you to choose which types of paints to buy, and you may be able to find them on sale occasionally. Instead of purchasing expensive paint, thinner, varnish, and canvasses, you can go with watercolor!

In conclusion, watercolor painting may soon become your new favorite way to express yourself. You may be able to find online courses to help you learn the basics, or you could take a class at an art shop near you. Whichever option you choose, get excited about learning a new skill and sign up today. 

To find out more, look for a Learn to Watercolor Paint Workshop near you.

About Me

Creating More Art

After weeks of trying to add a little spark of something into my life, I realized that there were a few things that I could do to add color back into my world. I began working with a friend of mine to create art each and every day, and it was interesting to see what happened. Before I knew it, I was able to express myself using a few different mediums, and I was really pleased with how I felt. I wanted to start a new blog all about creating art each and every day, and knowing how to make something new.



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