3 Ways Native Americans Used Animals In Art Designs

Native Americans have a strong connection with the animal kingdom and have long included animals as part of their tradition and culture. When you visit an online Native American art auction, you have the option to bid and shop for a wide range of Native American pieces that include animal designs and features directly in the art.

Check out some of the unique ways Native Americans used animals in art designs and have a better idea of what to look for in an online American Indian art auction.

1. Animal Shells & Feathers

Native Americans would often find ways to use every part of an animal when they hunted. This includes the shells and feathers of an animal. While those parts could not be used for food, you can see those elements directly in art pieces. For example, turtle shells could be turned into an art display piece.

Some shell creations may have had different intentions originally and now serve as art pieces. For example, a turtle shell could have a covered backing and an attached handle to create some form of a shaker-based musical instrument.

Due to the history and delicacy of the piece, modern online art auctions will feature the piece as an art display to showcase the craftsmanship and history that went into the creation.

2. Animal Patterns

A lot of Native American art auctions will include animal patterns in the designs. You can shop online to find a wide range of animal patterns like deer, raccoons, and several types of birds. The pattern designs may include a wide range of bright and vibrant colors. In some cases, the designs may include drawings and shapes of the animal itself.

Study the art and detail that went into the animal pattern designs. In some cases, the direct connection to animals may appear more abstract. Online auctions will often feature high-quality images to zoom in and really study all the details.

3. Animal Fur & Pelt Pieces

Native Americans often created artistic figurines to use as pieces of art or for children to play with. When you look at the details in those pieces, you will often notice a mixture of real animal fur and pelt pieces used in the designs. Much like how animal fur would provide clothing and warmth, the pieces would create clothing designs for the figurines.

Headpieces and accessories on the artistic figurines would also feature real animal feathers that were cut and attached to the figurines to create authentic design elements.

Shop at an online auction to see the strong connections Native Americans have with animals and how those connections reflect in their artwork designs.

About Me

Creating More Art

After weeks of trying to add a little spark of something into my life, I realized that there were a few things that I could do to add color back into my world. I began working with a friend of mine to create art each and every day, and it was interesting to see what happened. Before I knew it, I was able to express myself using a few different mediums, and I was really pleased with how I felt. I wanted to start a new blog all about creating art each and every day, and knowing how to make something new.



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